02 Feb

There is this beautiful reality within the female body. This place is what I like to call the Holy of Holies. This place anatomically is the womb and all the organs that specifically support conception. Whether or not we have healthy functioning female organs, does not take away this power from us! We are still holding this intimate deep place or divine reverence within us. 

It is vital and important for us as a culture to begin to see this reality and honor it in a deeper way. The only ones who can change this is women themselves, buy cultivating this relationship within themselves; for this to then ripple out into the energies. The relationship of nourishing, listening deeply and honoring what our bodies speak to us. What does this often look like? Saying NO! to a lot of things society and our lifestyles tell us we must do. The reality is if we are not listening, nourishing and honoring our beings, the most basic thing we are responsible for, how can we expect our bodies to care for us and take us on our journey of life. Being responsible to our own body, the vessel that carries us through this dimension, should be our biggest priority, over other "responsibilities". I am not saying we neglect our children or quit our job; though quitting your job may be part of the picture for some, but rather that we begin to weave the care of our vessels into our days, lives and moments. We are not divorced from the principles of life and cannot afford to act or live in a manner that pretends we are. 

This thought really ties into something that has been deep on my heart lately. An understanding of reciprocity. In our culture we only know taking. We sometimes practice what we call giving but I would say, giving is not the same mental space as reciprocity (and often "giving" in our culture is tied to underlying motives of the "giver"). If we can only take, take, take with no understanding or respect of the cost of our actions; how then can we truly reciprocate to our bodies. Our bodies support hold and gift us love and life every day, even if we are ailing in some way, our bodies are still supporting us, but letting us know what it is that we are missing and need to attend to. Reciprocating basics of listening, honoring and nourishing our vessels is so needed at this time. 

The wisdom our bodies hold is deep and amazing and intrinsic. 

Our bodies miss nothing and they are very good communicators if we know how to listen. And our wombs and our reproductive organs hold generations of living information for us to sort through and use to our benefit. But, if we are not listening, honoring and nourishing this part of us (and therefore the whole) than we are missing really vital information for our life here and now; which only creates disconnect and chaos. We cannot live in divorcement of our bodies needs without repercussions. 

How can we sit in the Holy of Holies? How can we honor this part of us? By first listening. Listening is essential for us to begin any journey. Relationships are built on the ability of the parties involved to listen and properly understand each other. Listening to your body, when it says rest, and following through with resting is vital to the next step of honoring. If your moon is bright and your intuition is expanding and your body says rest, but you decide otherwise, your body is not honored. So often we feel like we cannot say yes to our bodies because of work, or life expectations, but it is vital that we honor our bodies when they communicate. How you navigate that in your life will look different for every person. But coming into a space where we can both listen and honor is our first steps to being welcome into the reverent space of divinty. 

The last step I want to discuss, but is as important as the others and might as well be the first, is nourishing your womb. To nourish our womb is to nourish our whole being and all that is around us. For us to be in a relationship of reciprocity with our wombs and our bodies, nourishment is essential. Our womb and reproductive health is so vital to our overall health as has been recognized in many ancient cultures. From basic nutrition of nutrient rich warming foods, teas, meditations and warmth all of these are part of the picture. But there may be other parts of your picture that are only yours and can only be found by you listening to the communication of your vessel, womb and pelvic regions. 

Leaning into this beautiful reality of our most holy and divine space enhances and facilitates a rich and expansive life that is balanced and nourished. What a ripple of love this energetic creates. When we feel nourished, we are at peace and centered, this gives us more clarity and helps us align with what is truly serving us and what we are meant to be serving. Serving our own vessels with love in a constant and continual flow is vital to create a space where we are welcome into the space of divinity. To sit in the Holy of Holies within our temple and honor the divine flow coming through is essential for our expansion in this time. Let your expansions begin! Sink into this possibility, this reality within your vessel. Be willing to enter your temple with devotion and reverence for the wisdom and power that is held, waiting to be tapped and explored. 

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