Rewilding Pleasure Pathways

The Details:
You are now inside this beautiful container of expansion and deep body connection!

We are the wombyn who choose to be devoted to living in our truth and power and being in full connection with our bodies! I am so excited to have you here!
Thank you for saying YES to going deeper into your pleasure pathways!

Opening Ceremony - February 14, 2025 at 10am EST
daily content and weekly journal prompts delivered by email daily
Closing Ceremony - March 21, 2025 at 10am EST
Kundalini practice - below
Aligned Pelvic Bowl Guide - download below
Telegram Group link:

All replays and content will be accessible below as well, 
so consider referring to this link to access all content. 

Content available until September 14, 2025


Click the play button below to hear about why this practice was chosen for these 35 days and what the practice is!

Aligned Pelvic Bowl Lifestyle Embodiment

This is a guide to filling your life with nourishment on all levels for your body to feel juicy, vibrant and filled with living harmonics only you can create within you.

connecting with the portal
Unpacking Shame
So often opposite of shame is often described as love or pride. Brené Brown, a well-known researcher on vulnerability and shame, has discussed that the opposite of shame is not pride but rather connection and love. While pride can encompass a positive self-regard and confidence in one's own worth or abilities; it can also feel like it is lacking in the full picture.
Honor, glory, esteem and respect can also find their place in the equation of the opposite of the coin when talking about shame.
As we move through this work and this week, I invite you to explore what qualities you would like to be held within you, in the place where shame is currently dwelling.

Awareness is the first step to the gentle healing work held within you.
Journal Prompt 
Shame is what we are working with this week. When we touch our bodies as women, especially our vulva, shame can easily be present. For some of us we may feel the opposite of shame is pride. Maybe the opposite of shame is acceptance for you. Or perhaps the opposite of shame is open hearted vulnerability. Exploring your vulva with humility and open hearted vulnerability as you begin to tend your earth in tender love, releasing all judgement. Take some time this week to journal around shame as it relates to your vulva and touch. Perhaps a good question to explore would be: If shame were not living here, what would be the most vibrant energy that could replace it? And fill in the blanks for you! 
Always walk softly and move slowly when tending these sacred lands!  

Week 2
tending the heart
Unworthiness is a very common experience for a woman. Especially when it comes to caring for herself. 
Through Rewilding Pleasure Pathways and every day we choose to show up for ourself, we are rewiring our experience with the feelings of worthiness. 
By choosing yourself and spending time with your body, breath, heart and soul you are rewilding to your truth - YOU ARE WORTHY! 

Worthy of love. Worthy of pleasure. Worthy of a beautiful life. You are worthy!

Celebrating you and your worthiness!
Journal Prompt 
How unworthy do you feel to receive pleasure? Where does this story/narrative come from? Can you remember a situation, life circumstance, experience that created this belief? Can you offer that moment in time, or that feeling of unworthiness, deep unconditional love? When you offer it love, does it change the energy of unworthiness in any way? Consider inquiring of your heart what it would need to know worthy on a particle deep level?
​Week 3
the curves that run deep
Guilt is what we are unpacking this week. So much guilt can arise for taking time for ourselves. For choosing pleasure. For choosing a life that is filled with love and nourishment for ourself. 

But, the good news is you are a being with thoughts, feelings, emotions and needs also and it is not wrong, selfish or inconsiderate of others to put yourself and your needs first!  

In fact it is nourishing to others, when you yourself are nourished first! Because your self love will radiate beautifully, as opposed to: out of bitterness choosing to be selfish and neglecting your responsibilties to show up in life. 

This is not you! You are choosing to nourish yourself and this is a very different story. 

No guilt here! No guilt for choosing you! For choosing a nourished, healthy body! For choosing to tend your heart, tend your body and source yourself with love so you can show up with big beautiful heart energy radiating out to all those you love around you! 

Accept all of you. You too need space. You are divine! 

Release the guilt that holds the narrative of you are in the wrong for honoring your truth!
Journal Prompt 
Where is guilt present when it comes to taking time/space for yourself/nourishing you? Where can you extend more grace for yourself and your situation and bless yourself beyond the narrative of guilt? 
Week 4
full body presence
Exploring Fear
When it comes to fear in relation to pleasure, so much can arise! 

Am I safe to know pleasure?
Is it safe for me to choose pleasure?
Will bad things happen to me if I choose pleasure?

As silly as these questions may sound, these can be real things we grapple with when it comes to actively choosing ourselves and choosing to live connected to our pleasure in a pleasurable and nourishing way.

Living in deep connection with our bodies is so sacred. And when fear is present it inhibits our ability to connect to our true nature; bliss.

This week our inner aim is to release fears around pleasure so that we can allow our mind, body and soul to fully embrace pleasure! 

**This week, starting on Day 25, we will use oil frequently. So be prepared. 

In Aruveda there is a practice of body oiling and it brings us into center. Oil on the body is soothing and nourishing on deep levels. So choose a lush oil and bring loving intention, this is going to be oozy!
Explore where you can fill love into all the spaces fear exists in your life. Whether around safety, well being or knowing a blissful life. Bring your breath into this space. Journal around fears you have in regards to pleasure. Then re read them. Explore where you can insert safety and love into those stories and rewrite this story within. 
Week 5
integration on all levels