Pleasurable things
During the meditation you asked us to think about what is pleasurable to us. A few recurring thoughts I had were the feelings of my barefeet on the ground, the sensation of sand, grass or even mud. The sunshine on my skin. Laying down on my favorite soft blanket over my bed. The scent of fresh coffee and fresh bread. The sound of laughter.
It has been fun hanging out with you the past two days and getting the wheels turning on life's pleasures and consciously working to connect deeper with them!
I'm here because I realize I have difficulty with pleasure and knowing what I enjoy. The recognition that we also need to learn how to energetically hold pleasure was most profound takeaway today!
I love this deep dive you took with yourself!!! So beautiful! I hope you took time to journal, so you keep this close by and remember what came through!!! Thank you for sharing! Witnessing you leaning into the work of anchoring more pleasure in! <3
I love this take away!!! Yes, it is such key work in truly anchoring it in!! Thank you so much for sharing!! I love that you are taking time to explore this deeper and connect more on this deep stuff within! Such sacred work, sister! <3